Sunday, January 5, 2020

An Unexpected Change

Sometimes things in a person’s life happen, taking that person in an unplanned and even mostly unwanted direction.

We don’t always get what we want, but sometimes in the end, we get what we need.

The Rolling Stones were onto something with that song.

Technically, I’m no longer Eastern Orthodox.

Things happened in 2019.

Circumstances literally served to drag me out of my Orthodox parish, in some ways kicking and screaming.

“But God.”

I’m now attending an ACNA parish ten minutes from where I live.

I recently sought to return to Holy Orthodoxy in an OCA parish even closer to my home than the ACNA parish, but it just isn’t happening.  Okay.  Uncle.  I give it up to Him.

Well, perhaps the OCA parish is equidistant.  Whatever.  The point is, I’m out of communion with The Orthodox Church, since I’ve become unattached to any local Orthodox parish.

You can’t lack the one without lacking the other.

“But God.”

It’s too long a story to get into here.  My beliefs really haven’t changed.  Well, maybe 1% of them have changed and that’s probably enough to land me in my current situation.

Or perhaps that one percent was always there, and I’m only getting my absolutely just desserts.

Lord, Have Mercy.

Father Christopoulos of the local Greek Orthodox parish, in a counseling session asked me if I am an “all or nothing” type of person.  I responded initially with an “I don’t know” but then concluded, that yes indeed.  I am, at that.  Probably why I was seeking out an “All or nothing” Church.

The Eastern Orthodox Church is, indeed, an All Or Nothing Church.

That’s not intended as criticism, but I do think it’s a factual statement.

Well, I guess getting that was not what was truly needed.  God seems to be giving me what I actually need.  I need to be more NOT All or Nothing.  But, that’s just me, and not necessarily anyone else.

It seems to be a personal issue that becomes quite the problem if un-dealt with and un-repented from.

Well, okay then.  I’ve been “But Godded” so I guess I’ll roll with it.  I surrender!

So, without further ado, I’m renaming this blog.

I’m an Anglodox Christian.  A strange, hopefully numinous mix of Anglican and eastern orthodox.

I guess I always have been.  Who knew?  But I know now.

I can’t capitalize “Eastern Orthodox” now, even though I wish I could.  The Orthodox won’t allow me to define myself this way unless I formally return to their ranks.  Sigh and So Be It.

Out of the ashes of shattered dreams and expectations, we’ll see what God does.

It’s entirely fitting that the name of the parish I’m becoming more and more attached to is Resurrection Anglican Fellowship.

I’m certainly in need of a Resurrection before my final one happens, hopefully to Life Eternal and not  to the other place.

I really and truly don’t want to go to that other terrible place.

Lord, Have Mercy.  Christ, Have Mercy.

I hope to double and triple the amount of prayers I offer up this time around and speak and be agitated and agitating much, much less.

I should of taken this prayerful approach back in the Wellspring Days.

So, I’m kind of undoing my first sin of Schism by technically allowing for a second instance of one.

But hopefully since this wasn’t really my intent to go in this direction, The Lord will overlook and forgive this second instance of technical Schism while I repent from the first instance way back in 2005 when I took us out of the AMIA and Wellspring Anglican Church.

Lord, Have Mercy!

Thanks be to God, who gives and has given to us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Still the lowly Reader, Columba Silouan

an Anglodox Christian

January 5, 2020

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