Tuesday, October 16, 2018

So What Finally Happened to the dream of an Orthodox Parish in Parker, Colorado?

So, here's kind of a funny story, dear readers.

Unbeknownst to me, there was an effort a few years back to get an Orthodox Church planted in Parker.  That effort was a success.

The name of the mission is Saint Tikhon Orthodox Mission.

The mission was spearheaded by the Orthodox Church of America (OCA).

The priest is Father Valens.

The church that helped to plant this mission is Saint Hermon's Orthodox Church in Littleton, Colorado.

Here's the funny part.  The Patron Saint of the Western Rite liturgy drawn from the Anglican Books of Common Prayer is, drumroll please . . .

Saint Tikhon!

So I picture the Saint being somewhat of an Editor as I asked for his intercessions about getting the mission planted in Parker:

"My dear Jesus, please pay that young whippersnapper no heed.  Instead, I ask that you see a nice Russian Orthodox parish planted in Parker.  Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, of course!"

Boom! Prayers answered, but not remotely in the way I expected or preferred.

And, no.  I didn't leave Saint Mark's Antiochian Orthodox Church to join the mission. 

By the way, though, it now looks like the OCA has launched a Western Rite of it's own.  Starting with a mission in Canada, of all places.

So, it's all good.

Blessings in Christ the Absolute God,

Reader Columba Silouan

The Orthodox Schism of 2018

It's been years since I've posted anything, but now is as good a time as any. The Schism of 2018 is very sad. The Patriarch of Antioch said it best. The focus for the entire Orthodox Church should be Unity in the Faith and not Autocephaly. Based on true unity of the faith, mutual submission and not power grabs would rule the day. It's time for a new Great Council for Eastern Orthodoxy. Every Church Should Attend and fervent prayers should pave the way. Perhaps a year's worth of prayer and fasting and repentance before the Council even convenes? Lord, Have Mercy! Columba Silouan