Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ivory Tower Orthodoxy

My previous post perhaps seemed a bit harsh.  It was probably sinful, too.  But the Ochlophobist's attitude towards Fr. Ken and Emmanuel Orthodox Church made me as angry as I've been in a long time.

If I recall correctly, Owen is married but has no children of his own.  Perhaps if he had children of his own, he would have less time to pontificate on certain Orthodox subjects.

It is precisely those of us with young families who cannot afford to indulge in what I call "Ivory Tower Orthodoxy."  This is a substandard practice of Orthodoxy more concerned with academic discussions than with changing lives.

The CULTURAL practices of singing praise music, meeting for small group bible studies and the other things evangelicals do are greatly beneficial to young families with children.  Some of these young families lack a deep background in biblical knowledge and need more than lectures on what is or isn't kosher when it comes to the challenging religion that is Eastern Orthodoxy.

We all can't be monks and oblates.  Some of us have to live and work in the world.

Doing so requires a certain ongoing level of encouragement that some of our parishes aren't good at providing.

I will pray for the Ochlophobist, but it will take me a while to get over my anger towards him and how unjust he seems to be with his criticisms.

I will have to be angry and sin not.  My anger will have to be righteous anger directed against the small mindedness of what I read over the weekend.

It is opinions like the ones Owen White voiced that tempt me at times to return to Anglicanism, and specifically the Anglican Province of North America.  I know I should never do this, and that I should stick with Eastern Orthodoxy for life, but such opinions don't help.

Saint Columba and Saint Silouan pray for this wretched sinner.

Columba Silouan

Saturday, December 12, 2009


In my opinion, it's now official.  Brother Owen White, otherwise known as the Ochophobist, is a real jerk.

In one of his latest posts, Owen White has decided to take on Emmanuel Orthodox Church and Saint Stephen's Orthodox Church to task because they sing praise music.  Evidently, these two parishes that came to us from the Charismatic Episcopal Church are just not Orthodox enough for Owen.

Emmanuel as you may recall from an earlier post has a period before their Divine Liturgy and after Matins where they sing praise music for around 30 minutes.

If I recall correctly, parish members of Saint Stephens sing praise music during the week in small group settings.

Owen White treated Father Ken Devoie in a condescending manner in the comments section after his critical posting.

I will post more about this story later.

Brother Owen needs to quit acting like such a pompous ass.  Again, this is only my own opinion.

Forgive me.

Columba Silouan