Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Hard Reality of Career

Good evening dear readers,

All the blogging about developments in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Orthodox Church of America has been fun and interesting, but now I'm back to thinking about what I should be doing as my life's work.

I'm thinking about becoming a teacher.

I'm also thinking about putting desires and dreams about the Orthodox priesthood on temporary to permanent hold.

When I look at the subdeacons and deacons of my parish, every one of them has a better or more solid career situation as their "anchoring job."

There are at least three computer programmers, one corporate trainer and a full time UPS employee among the ranks of our clergy at Saint Marks.

Only our Archpriest is paid full time in his direct role as a priest.

God has been impressing on me more and more that my first duty and priority must be to my family, and their support.

I am currently employed at Dish Network.  It's a good company and a decent position, to be sure, but it doesn't feel safe or permanent.  I don't know what the outcome is going to be.

My career situation has been problematic for a long time.  I feel the need to find a permanent, long-term solution to this issue before I will have the strength necessary for any run at the Holy Priesthood.

So I plan to pray a lot and move forward gingerly in the direction of becoming a school teacher.

I don't know how Dish Network is going to turn out.  I hope it turns out well, but in this economy, you just never know.

God's Blessings to you and yours,

Columba Silouan

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