Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What if: What if a Joint Parish was Created?

Here is an interesting link to a church I came across during my years in Virginia Beach, VA:

This church is a parish with an Anglican congregation and a Roman Catholic congregation in the same building, but with separate altars.

All of this talk about new structures for Anglican converts got me daydreaming of an imaginary future parish somewhere composed of a Roman Catholic congregation in the new Anglican Apostolate and an Eastern Orthodox congregation in a potential OCA Anglican Diocese.

Such an arrangement would have the advantage of pooling scarce resources during times of economic trouble such as ours.

Such a parish would also have twice the appeal to potential converts to both Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

I don't know if Eastern Orthodox canons would allow for such an arrangement, but it made for an interesting daydream, to be sure.

Blessings in the Holy Trinity.


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