Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How 'Bout Those Rockies!?

Along with most of the rest of the Colorado population I've been swept up in Rockies Fever.

I really never thought "World Series" and Colorado Rockies would be in the same sentence.

On Monday, October the 15th, I was able to obtain NLCS Home Game Two tickets for me, my wife and my son Adam. Although Adam has been to a number of Avalanche Hockey games, this NLCS game was his first major league ballgame.

Adam, aged 5, made it all the way through the sixth inning before falling asleep for the rest of the game.

I taught him to crack open peanuts and munch away.

It was always a dream of mine to take my son to a ballgame. Now that dream has been realized.

On the Parker Orthodox front, one of the parishioners of Saint Marks is doing a homework assignment involving research of the Parker area for a possible new WR Orthdox parish. He plans to interview me in coming days.

Life at Saint Marks is going well. The recent growth spurt continues with more than 20 people being scheduled for Chrismation over the next few weeks.

The parish has had a makeover with the addition of a new wing and a remodel of the parish hall.

These are truly exciting times to be living in Denver, both on the Sports front and on the WR Orthodox front.

Pax Christi,

Columba Silouan

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