Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back from a Summer Hiatus

Now that fall is just around the corner, it's time to take keyboard in hand and start blogging again.

The Summer of 2007 has brought many changes. One of these is a new job at my same company under a Christian supervisor as an Accounting Specialist in the Billing Dept.

I thank God for this, as my previous position had degenerated into job duties that were less than "professional office work" which I need as a bare minimum to not consider myself a complete failure.

My dreams for a "Summer of promoting Orthodoxy" fell a bit short. But God was as work anyway. Saint Mark's is experiencing growth and our priest has developed a deep interest in the writings of Archimandrite Zacharias, Saint Sophrany and Saint Silouan, my patron Saint.

My old spiritual director who was actually a young priest of around my age has moved on to a mission in Fort Collins and I have a new and older spiritual father and have good hopes for renewed spiritual progress and growth under his direction.

The Lord continues to bless my family: My wife and kids are thriving and I am becoming more at ease in my role as a husband and father.

Now I need to think about changing my name legally again to Columba Silouan and about how I might go about picking up the threads I laid down about promoting Holy Orthodoxy in Parker.

So "to it" once again! But this time in a more subdued and prayerful demeanor.


Columcille Siluoan

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