Saturday, May 14, 2011

Columba Simon

I'm considering the idea of modifying my Orthodox Name to Columba Simon as opposed to Columba Silouan.

My reason for this is that Silouan is the Russian version of Simon. I'm not Russian, and my culture is not Russian.

I think "Simon" better communicates to my culture.

Perhaps as Orthodox Christians we should be prepared to better translate our faith to our native culture by using terms more familiar to those around us.

The name "Silouan" can seem to be exotic and strange, perhaps lessening it's impact and effectiveness.

As a possible application of this idea, let's say for the sake of argument that some Orthodox Christians wish to plant a church and name it for Saint Silouan the Athonite.

It might be more effective to call such a parish "Saint Simon's Orthodox Church."

I'm an advocate of making our Orthodoxy as "native" as possible.

For example, you wouldn't call an Anglican Church Saint Juan's Anglican Church unless you lived in Latin America. You would call it Saint John's.

Blessings in the Holy Trinity, One God

Columba Simon

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