Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Way Course Has Arrived

The Orthodox Evangelism course known as The Way has arrived in the mail. The Way is a boxed set of five CDs that the faithful can use to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ as understood in and through Holy Orthodoxy.

This course is similar to the Alpha Course that Anglicans in England put together to win the unchurched to Christ and to bring nominal Christians back into the fold.

I plan to review this course and present it to our Adult Sunday School class in the near future. It takes a dedicated team to run this course, so I'll be on the hunt for such a team.

I've obtained permission from our Arch Priest to use this course, although the course recommends obtaining permission from a bishop. As I understand things, some of these decisions and permissions have been delegated to our Arch Priest, so his permission is probably sufficient.

This winter has been a bit difficult, and I've been unproductive in church matters as a direct result. My colleague and friend at work came down with a severe respiratory infection which sidelined him for seven work days. Afterwards I caught it and I've lost a total of three work days. This has prevented projects like blogging and writing.

Now that I'm on the mend, such projects can resume, Lord Willing of course.

Blessings in the Holy Trinity, One God

Columba Sillouan

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