Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Looking for the Nebuchadnezzar

Last week's goal of camping out at a local coffee shop had to be put on hold because my wife was under the weather.

The plan is to try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I've written a letter to Craig McConnell of Ransomed Hearts in an effort to locate the house church formerly known as The Nebuchadnezzar.

This house church has since been renamed Imago Dei.

I hope to supplement my spiritual activities with periodic midweek visits to this group for possible Bible Study and prayer.

This in no way means I'm giving up on Holy Orthodoxy, but in my opinion I do need Christians of other stripes to keep me healthy and sharp.

Perhaps I can find some allies down in Colorado Springs.

Blessings in the Holy Trinity, One God.

The Tentmaker

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