Monday, February 15, 2010

A Final Piece of the Puzzle?

Well it's finally happened. Be careful what you wish for.

After two years of career upheaval and struggle in my life, an Internal Transfer to a Materials Handler 1 position at Dish Network Corporate Headquarters has been approved for me. I started my new position last week.

I've done most of these duties EXCEPT for driving the corporate mail van to locations all around town. This aspect of the position is sure to be a challenge for me. Two other major challenges will be working with three other mail clerks (in my previous mail clerk position, I was the only mail clerk), and the high volume, faster pace of the Dish Network mail center.

Lord willing, this can be my last job stop for quite a while.

There is a Deacon at my parish who works for UPS while serving the church. His example is one to emulate for me.

As far as my hopes and dreams for deep involvement in church activities are concerned, I will need to take this as it comes to me. For now, I will continue to teach our Adult Sunday School at Saint Mark's, as well as serve as an Acolyte and Tonsured Lay Reader.

May anyone who reads this have a blessed and Holy Lent.

Sincerely in the Holy Trinity, One God

Columba Silouan

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