Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Western Rite in the OCA

Greetings in Christ.  

Last Sunday, news of the conference at Nashotah House between Metropolitan Jonah, Saint Vladimir's Seminary Dean Chad Hatfield, and conservative Anglican Leaders was reviewed by our parish priest at Saint Marks in Denver.

One of the major announcements during Sunday School was that Metropolitan Jonah, and by extension the OCA, is proposing a new diocese for the OCA called The Anglican Diocese.

This would be a Western Rite diocese that would mirror other ethnic dioceses that currently exist in the OCA such as the Bulgarian Diocese, the Albanian Diocese, etc.  This Diocese would allow the customs and culture of Anglican converts to Holy Orthodoxy to be preserved and practiced freely.

The OCA also seems to have regional dioceses, so they have the best of both worlds, so to speak.

The new Anglican Diocese would have it's own Bishop, which would be a step forward for the Western Rite overall.  The Antiochian Western Rite currently has a Dean, but not a Bishop.

Of course, this is not to say that the Diocesan Bishops Antioch has aren't excellent.

A Western Rite in the OCA would be a wonderful thing.  Please keep this possibility in your prayers.

Columba Silouan

1 comment:

  1. I'm am loving your blog. You have been to a great degree where I am now. I'm western to my core, yet I'm a catechumen in an eastern rite orthodox congregation. The nearest western rite is over 2 hours away. The priest, however, is of great understanding of eastern and western rites and I'll be a bit of each and he rejoices at the thought that some day I'll be able to attend a western rite liturgy.

    However, I also keep some blogs although mine are about the mundane - TV shows. In that context I can say that I have many times met "Brother Jonathan" in many iterations.

    Columba Silouan, you wrote:"It's high time for the Eastern Orthodox Church as a whole to broaden their view of reaching out to Anglicans."

    Please define what you mean by, "reaching out"?

    Also, include the rudder index to each canon you may specify, as well as to which rudder you are using.

    I am unfamiliar with such a canon or an economia made on behalf of the Orthodox Church, please, exemplify what you mean to demonstrate by Church Law.

    There are people in this world who are just simply born to argue. I have seen this exact phrasing too many times to recall. In the TV show world it's quote your source, give the episode and minute, etc.

    I call them junior high debate society members who have not grown up. They are much more intent on defending their personal hobbyhorses and debating than in having a Christian and understanding discussion that is of profit to both sides.

    To that end, I'll be praying for brother Jonathan.

    I will also pray that progress will be made in accepting that there is more to liturgy than that of St John Chrysostom lovely though it may be and also acceptance that an organ is not evil.
