Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Recent Troubles in the Antiochian Archdiocese

In my opinion, the issue of the American Bishops being reduced to Auxiliary Status came at a really bad time. The Archdiocese is growing and new Western Rite Parishes are joining from the Charismatic Episcopal Church, an organization I spent a year in myself.

In addition to the new parishes joining en-masse, here in Colorado we've seen the publishing of a new Book of Common Prayer, and the continuing progress of the new retreat center in Southern Colorado.

Why now, when enthusiasm is building and exciting things are happening did this unwelcome interruption occur?

I think first and foremost, this controversy is a spiritual attack from the enemy of our souls. My hope is that, as often is the case, the devil will overreach and Christ and His Church will emerge stronger and better for these travails.

I have prayerful hopes that the trip of the American Bishops to Damascus to meet with Patriarch Ignatius will bear good fruit.

Pax Christ,

Columba Silouan

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