Sunday, January 25, 2009

Restarting the Bible Study: Why the delay?

As I've stated previously, I really wish and intend to get what was formerly the Orthodox Men's Small Group Bible Study re-ignited.

I know I keep saying I will get this done, but it hasn't happened yet and here's why:

I said earlier that I supposedly have a new job with Dish Network. Since the post that mentioned this possibility was published, I've been through a third interview, a series of assessments, and I'm still waiting to see if I have the job or not.

I've also applied for positions with Citi Financial, Homestead Technologies, and a company called Pro-Source.

This second bout with unemployment has been a real roller coaster ride. Add on top of this a bit of the wind being taken out of my sails by the Lord interrupting my plans to get an Orthodox Mission planted in Parker, and you get my lack of progress in re-starting the Bible Study.

I've just been too sapped and drained lately to get the ball rolling.

But the good news is I continue to gain experience with acolyting and reading at Saint Marks, and the more I do this, the more peace I'm feeling. Doing these things at church has been a peaceful and fulfilling island in this storm of career change.

So yes, I really want to see the Orthodox Bible Study resume soon. But until I get something nailed down on the job front, I'm finding that I'm just too distracted.

I think this job situation will be resolved soon. When it is, I will revisit the Bible Study at that time.

Forgive me,

Columba Siluoan

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