Monday, November 17, 2008

Bible Study to Resume, and other topics

As a newly minted Orthodox Reader, I am able to lead a Reader's Service.

This will come in handy if I'm ever able to hold such a service in Parker or Castle Rock.

The Men's Bible Study will resume in January, 2009. At present, my wife and I are taking a Financial Peace University class in our neighborhood with a bunch of Protestant Christians down the street.

These good people meet in what they call a "house church."

They believe they are returning to the primitive new testament church, however . . .

They have no Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and no sacraments.

It would be nice someday to gently educate them on how the early church REALLY was.

There is a new leather bound edition of the Orthodox Study Bible. This Bible is terrific! It looks like a Bible Thumper's Bible. This would be wonderfully subversive if a Bible Study was held in a public place, like a Christian Coffee Shop, for instance.

There is such a coffee shop in Parker. It used to be called "The Steaming Bean."

When the financial class concludes, I will be free to lead the Bible Study.

Brother Andrew Deiderich will soon be re-deployed to the Middle East, so he won't be able to lead the study.

This means I will try and step into that role.

I recently purchased a small button that says "I Love Orthodox Missions."

Finally this: A new Book of Common Prayer is about to be published by The Western Rite.

This new BCP will be a fully authorized Orthodox edition and will be completely ok to use in any Western Rite parish or mission.

Armed with the new leather-bound Orthodox Study Bible, a new BCP coupled with all the excellent Bible Study aids the Church is putting out nowadays, things are really looking promising.

I can't wait to get started!

Now, if we can only get a new Hymnbook for the Western Rite, we really will be set.

Pax Christi,

Columba Silouan

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Silouan! Here's an interesting link on the 'house church'.

    Good to meet you yesterday!
