Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stupendous Opportunity!!

Be careful what you ask for . . .

I've been granted an opportunity to teach the Adult Sunday School Class at Saint Marks Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church starting on February the 17th!

I plan to teach a class covering the Ransomed Hearts ministry of John Eldredge, looking at it from an Eastern Orthodox perspective.

This has long been a dream of mine, and I've believed for a long time that doing so can be powerful and fruitful.

I hope to use this class as a type of "pilot project" or prototype class to explore how to interact with leading evangelical leaders / authors while maintaining Orthodox distinctives /doctrinal purity.

Lord willing, I plan to cover concepts drawn from the following books: The Sacred Romance, The Journey of Desire, Wild at Heart, The Way of the Wild Heart, Waking the Dead, Epic and Captivating.

Some of the methods I plan to use are handouts of quotes and passages, study / discussion questions, and an invitation to ask lengthy questions via e-mail.

I have five weeks to start off with.

Please keep me in your prayers, gentle readers!

Columba Silouan Cate

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