Friday, December 23, 2022

Thoughts about Russia: Long Live NovoVisantia!

 First of all, the name of that nation has been sullied, so perhaps it's a good time to consider a new name.  The name of Russia has become a byword and a curse in much of the world, not much better than "Mordor" of Lord of the Rings fame.

How about NovoVisantia.  New Byzantium.

Russia aspires to be The Third Rome.  So be it.  But identify with Byzantium instead of the commonly misunderstood Ancient Roman Empire which most westerners think ended when Rome in ancient Italy fell to the barbarians.

Byzantium.  The Height of Orthodox nationhood.

Russia needs a new beginning, IMO while holding on to what is best in her current form.

Perhaps a new civilizational model might be helpful.

If The Lord Tarries in His Second Advent, and we live to see another 1,000 years of history, what should Russia be then?

Perhaps Russia should seek to draw millions of English speaking Orthodox and orthodox Christians to her shores in a New Christendom.  She could build a Bi-Lingual Holy Kingdom.  English is the primary tongue / Lingua Franca of the world.  Russia should turn this to her advantage.  Persecuted Christians from the United States, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand can find new freedom in NovoVisantia.  

English Christians have been shorn of their homelands.  A new homeland is in order.  Much as the ancient English fled the Norman Invasion and became members of the Varangian Guard and citizens of a Christian kingdom, so dispossessed Anglican Christians and Western Rite Orthodox Christians might start anew in a new Holy Kingdom.  NovoVisantia!

Devout Christians of other stripes could have a new home in NovoVisantia as well, but would need to honor Holy Orthodoxy and not denigrate or fight against it.  In return, NovoVisantia would guarantee their freedom.  

A formula would have to be reached in guaranteeing Eastern Orthodoxy protection and influence while also protecting the Non-Orthodox as well.  A Holy Covenant could be subscribed to by The Nation and her new peoples.  Heterodox Christians free to live their lives and practice their faith without tearing down Orthodoxy.

And by all means Russia should forge an maintain an alliance with the nation of Hungary.

Russia should seek to become a Righteous Camelot.  A Righteous Kingdom, as opposed to an Unruly and Unrighteous Empire.

I am praying that Russia "partially" wins the war in Ukraine and that she humbles the arrogant and woke west.

It will be a Pyrrhic Victory, but still a possible long-lasting and potentially positive outcome.

I am praying that God's will be done, but perhaps in the following manner.

A negotiated settlement forced by Russia on Ukraine and The West in the following form.

Ukraine survives as a nation.  A nation that can prosper and be rebuilt, but with promises not to seek revenge on Russia for the war, and not to seek reconquest of Crimea and The Donbass.  A Neutral Nation that never joins NATO.

Ukraine gets Odessa In Perpetuity.  Russia gets Crimea and The Donbass In Perpetuity.

This is a just outcome for the war.  Ukraine survives and rebuilds as a nation, with a valuable seaport to help with that process.  Russia gains a buffer zone in Crimea and the Donbass that is as much CULTURAL as Locational.

Ukraine wants to go its separate way, having been seduced by the illusion of The West and it's declining freedom and righteousness.  So be it.  Ukraine can live with what it has chosen!

Russia indeed needs to change and be renewed, but in righteousness.  As outlined in my previous post, Russia has an opportunity to become a new home for a new Christendom, but she needs to break up her fallow ground first.  

This war has exposed her many shortcomings.  Corruption, Top Heavy Leadership, and unjustified brutality in conducting the conflict. These are things unworthy of a Christian State.

I recently learned that the Confederate South, the land of my ancestry, refused to wage "Total War" against the North ultimately burning only one Northern City in Pennsylvania.  In part, this was the philosophy advocated by Robert E. Lee, who as an Anglican Christian refused to fight the war in such a manner.  

The North under Sherman subsequently waged total war in his hated "march to the sea" and the unjust concept of Total War took firm root thereby.  Many Southern Cities were burned and destroyed as a result.  The concept of Total War survived into World War II, causing terrible destruction.  The evil concept of Total War in it's modern sense has been with us ever since.  This is a deeply Unchristian development.

Russia has likewise waged Total War.  This must never happen again, but in order for such a future outcome, Russia needs to be strong and use that strength wisely and justly.  NovoVisantia will need to refortify and rebuild after this current conflict, but WITHOUT designs on Eastern Europe or further expansion of an empire.  Russia has plenty of land and resources and doesn't need more to make a good go of things.  Russia is still the largest nation on Planet Earth.

Statecraft is the art of driving the hard bargain without being unduly destructive.  This Russia failed to do in this current conflict IMO.  

In the process of doing waging a truly just war, you must hold the moral and ideological High Ground and never relinquish it.  This seemingly Russia has also failed to do, only winning part of the world to her cause instead of winning the large majority of the world to her position vis a vis the West (primarily the currently corrupted United States of America and her influence in the western nations).

An entire Philosophy and Manifesto of Just War needs to be developed by Russia so that the atrocities she is accused of perpetrating and has indeed perpetrated never occur again in her history.

With the current modern tools of Social Media and News Coverage available, publicity campaigns can be successfully waged without giving up the moral high ground through non-christian and non-Orthodox practices in war.

One thing Russa might have done differently was to march to the borders of Donbass and Luhansk and simply fortify there without causing destruction, THEN starting a relentless broadcasting campaign defending her position and daring Ukraine to respond.

Then it would have been solely Ukraine conducting aggression if she chose to attack military instead of negotiating.  Alternatively, Russia could have offered to purchase the contested regions outright in a "Louisiana Purchase" scenario which would have cost her and Ukraine much less financially then this destructive war.  Now with rebuilding costs across the entire nation of Ukraine, and with the cost it will take to rebuild Luhansk and the Donbass, it ends up being much more expensive than an outright purchase would have been!  And we won't even mention the 200,000 plus lives lost unnecessarily!!

Left over Soviet warfare practices and philosophies need to be firmly discarded by Russia and something new, wise and virtuous needs to arise in their place.  Statecraft as a lost skill and art form needs to be recovered along the lines of the types of creative proposals listed above.  Russia didn't even try such alternatives.  What might have happened if she had?

What favors did the Soviet Past ever really do to Russia.  The second World War / The Great Patriotic War was waged by Russia in spite of her Soviet shortcomings of the time.  Soviet philosophy and presuppositions be permanently damned going forward!

So, Long Live NovoVisantia!  May Russia truly become a new Third Rome and a new Camelot.

All of these thoughts are probably fanciful, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.  A fellow can dream of better outcomes and pray to that end.  New thoughts can always be put forth into the world, and let the chips fall where they might fall.

May this terrible war end soon!

Hopes for 2023 and some Musings

 I know better than to "resolve" anything for the new year.  Past experience has demonstrated that New Year's Resolutions don't last very long beyond January.

Nevertheless, I do need and wish to hope about some things.

One hope would be to get closer to God in the coming year and not experience a sense of estrangement from him.  Whether such a sense is real, or just in my head, regardless it would be nice to see such feelings change concretely.

I feel a persistent sense of failure regarding how I've lived my life for going on 57 years.

I wonder how that might change in 2023.

It would be great to be a more faithful Orthodox Christian next year.

There remain stubborn barriers to that.  I need to attack those barriers.

It would be great if I see true faith in my children, whether they are Orthodox or not.  True Christian faith God can work with in their lives.  They can always be redrawn to Orthodoxy later, as they are still young, and God remains merciful.  Beyond this, I am truly helpless to effect change in their lives, He will need to do that, because ultimately these are his kids before they are mine.  He just loaned them to me for a while.

It would be great if my wife and I could have a great year together and deeper intimacy.

It would be desirable for parts to start falling in place for our "retirement" era years.  I don't know if I will ever be able to truly "retire" or not.  With the economy and the nation in poor straights, that's looking doubtful, and pair that with my mediocre secular career, it's dubious.

I would love to retire to a warmer climate someday.  The question would be if my wife would be okay with such a scenario.

Building social relationships in a new place would be a challenge.  Probably an unwelcome one at that.

I would like to see myself going to Confession more regularly, instead of to haphazard confessors that keep changing.  Perhaps once a month at Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Church?  I don't know.  I've lost my current confessor at my home parish, as he's decided to take a Leave of Absence arising out of his own desires for retirement.

One avenue out of "The Wilderness" might be a renewed focus on writing and blogging.  The only clear thing God ever said to me about my career is that "You will be a Writer."  Nothing else clear at all in that regard, although I've had many "bright ideas" that I've failed to follow through with or that life has seemed to shoot down unceremoniously.

The Wilderness of Mediocrity and Lower Middle Class Income in Perpetuity.  That seems to be my likely and continuing fate for now.  Lord, Have Mercy!

Dreams of vacations in Florida, Puerto Rico, Hawaii or other tropical ports of call remain on seemingly permanent hold.

Highlights of the past year:  My wife and I's trip to Nashville, The Benedictine Class and culminating Retreat of the ACNA's Resurrection Anglican Fellowship to the Antiochian Orthodox Benedictine Monastery of Saint Laurence and Our Lady, various movies and entertainments including Wakanda Forever, Avatar the Way of Water, Andor, LOTR's The Rings of Power, an improving relationship with my son, and a decent and hopefully improving relationship with my daughter.  My son's summer job and new girlfriend, my daughter's continued success at work and school and her acceptance to a local university.

Lots of blessings better to focus on then drawbacks such as the Midterm Election, the continued corruption of our national and local governments, and the war between Russia and Ukraine.

A nice blessing was being restored to Reader duties at Saint Mark's and the occasional Reading at Rez, without communion there, of course.  Gotta remain Eastern Orthodox.

Mixed feelings about life continue to abound.  There seems to be no way around that except the intentional focus on Gratitude for true blessings.

A person who continually doubts is life a leaf tossed to and fro in the wind.  Do not think that person will receive the blessings of God.  Okay.  Good reminder.

Time to whip up greater confidence and dispel annoying doubts.  

Today, Friday December the 23rd is a day for reflection.  This goal of reflection is being achieved while I sit here, writing and musing.

To obey is better than sacrifice and self-flagellation.  When I fail to obey, I beat myself up in an annoyingly and unproductive manner.  Be nice to stop that behavior and life pattern.

I hope The Lord blesses the Antiochian Archdiocese of America with His True choice of a Metropolitan and local Diocesan Bishop.

It has been strange to be without these two leaders at the same time, and it has been strange to see one our Priests depart our local parish.

All at the same time.  We pray regularly in the Liturgy that The Lord Raise Up Laborers for The Harvest.

I pray in His Mercy that happens.  Wish I could be one of them, but I seemingly need to remain a lay harvester.  I still don't believe I'm fit to advance in Holy Orders, in spite of the dearth of leadership in Antioch right now.  I'm too much of a mess, IMO.

I also continue to pray for the Anglican Church of North America. My wife's jurisdiction.  Archbishop Foley Beach. Bishop Ray Sutton.  Bishop Ken Ross.  Bishop Bill Atwood.  And all the Clergy, Laity and Monastics of that jurisdiction.  Rod Dreher's work among the Anglicans with his Benedict Option and other books has been good and productive.

Hopefully we can begin laying good groundwork for productive Western Rite Conference at the bidding of Vicar Bishop John of Antioch.  Hopefully the Saint Spalding Society can attend and many new Anglican churches can also be planted locally.  May God's Kingdom Come and Advance everywhere.

May God Bless the Kenyan Orthodox Orphanage.  May God Bless The Least of These Ministry.  May God Bless His Vineyard everywhere!

All the churches in America seem to be in drastic decline.  We sorely need a new Great Awakening sent by God to turn things around.  But such a Great Awakening needs to be based on real truth and history this time around.  All too often, our United States Great Awakenings have been based on a mixture of truth and error.  In my opinion, the error eventually wins out and we lose the fruit of whatever awakening God has sent to us.

And by error I mean errors about God and His Faith.  The Orthodox Christian Church uniquely has real answers for the rest of Christianity to learn from and follow.  IMO the next best thing is "orthodox" Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism, and then proceeding from there some Presbyterian bodies.  But they all need to be purified from there errors through Orthodox Christianity.  

Orthodox Christianity rightly understood and practiced really holds real answers.

Unfortunately the Light of Christ in Orthodoxy is somewhat obscured right now in this terrible Fratricidal War in Ukraine.  I pray the war ends soon with a negotiated settlement.  God is NOT glorified when Christians are killing fellow Christians.

Sometimes I focus too much on the war, and on the vicissitudes of my own nation's insanity.

I need to place my focus on Christ and His Church, and His coming infallible Kingdom, which our temporary nations always fall short of, seemingly now more than ever.

I do hope Russia wins the Ukraine / Russian war in the following manner:  Keeping Crimea and the Donbass but allowing Ukraine to survive as a nation with at least the Port of Odessa so Ukraine can rebuild and prosper.  

Ukraine is too heavily infiltrated by American woke culture at present, and that poses a civilizational threat to Russia and to what remains of Christendom.  Ukraine has been infiltrated and duped.  It is a terrible tragedy.  Russia will not like the thought of giving up an historically Russian city like Odessa, but to obtain a just peace, she needs to do it.  Ukraine won't prosper without a seaport.  It's the least Russia can do in offering an Olive Branch.  Russia can always build new cities.  Let Odessa go.

Russia then needs to make a permanent peace and resolve no more wars of reconquest.  Instead Russia can rebuild in her own space and fortify herself against the current madness of the West.

Rebuilding the Donbass and populating it with a virtuous and strong people is a good goal.  Rebuilding "Mary's City" will be a good start.  Mariupol can become the New Odessa.

I hope Russia obtains a better government sooner rather than later.  Putin won't live forever.  May God truly raise up Godly leadership and forms of government in Russia afterwards.  It's time for Russia to put the Atheist Soviet Past and all the bitter consequences of it behind her forever, and that includes the culture of corruption and graft that rose to take it's place.  

I hope that Russia will become a Godly Kingdom and Constitutional Monarchy, as opposed to an Empire.  The concept of Empire has become sullied.  Time to go in a new direction.

A Godly and Righteous Russia needs to arise, allowing the Kingdom of God to at least partially be manifest in her.

But God's will be done, and He has His own plans.

I don't know if the Second Advent is happening soon, and whether Jesus could bodily return to us and to Earth soon.  It may indeed be that time.  Partially because we're screwing up things so badly that He is going to need to intervene before we destroy ourselves.  

Maranatha.  Come Lord Jesus.  Come among us now, and finally when The Father chooses.

Glory to Jesus Christ.  Glory Forever!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Back to Blogging: Late 2022 and Beyond

 Back to Blogging.  Time to be of some good use!

It is now late 2022 and the past year has seen some good developments in the "Field of Religion."

The big project of the year was the Benedict Option class at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship on Thursday nights.  This class started in the Summer of 2022 and culminated with a retreat at the Antiochian Benedictine Fellowship of Saint Laurence.

The retreat was a resounding success, which many of the attendees blown away by their experience of seeing formal Benedictine monastic life in action.

Fr. Theodore gave a wonderful keynote address, and Monk Joseph Marie was stellar.

All the class attendees also gave talks, as well as the Clergy of Rez Anglican.

The Gregorian chanting by the four monks was wondrous.  The foothill setting, as always, was spectacular, and we had perfect weather.  Glory to God!

It is strongly hoped that a lasting relationship with the local Anglican Church of North America and the BSFL will be the legacy of this wonderful weekend spent at the monastery.

The other Big Project on the horizon will be the 2024 Western Rite Conference that will take place in the Summer of 2024, Lord Willing.

Three possible venues are The Abbey Conference Center in Canon City, The Navigators Headquarters in Colorado Springs, or the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park.

I contemplate inviting the Society of Saint Spalding to attend.  This is an Anglican ministry dedicated to the life and work of Bishop Spalding of Colorado, who was the first Episcopal Bishop to the State of Colorado and helped plant around 80 parishes.

Bishop Spalding is revered at Saint Mark's Antiochian Orthodox Church and by the faithful remnant of small "o" orthodox Anglicans around the state.  The ministry is dedicated to the revitalization of rural churches in small towns and medium sized towns in Colorado.

I've been under the weather for three weeks following the retreat, but seem to be on the mend today.

I have a new Desktop system to blog with, as my Apple Computer became my Apple Computer of Blessed Memory.  With this new system I have now, it will be easier to blog.  Blogging using an I-Pad is just not ideal.  Having a desktop system with a huge screen, however, is ideal.  Thanks be to God.